Earning online

How to make money on YouTube?

Earn money online with your video content by monetizing your YouTube channel. Get started with these easy steps

How to make money on YouTube?

Earn money online, part 5

Earn money online with your video content by monetizing your YouTube channel. Get started with these easy steps

Video content is a great way to share tutorials and product reviews – and it is really fun! But how to gain money with your videos?

The strategies we have presented earlier on this “Earn Money online” series also apply to video content. You can host your videos on your website to generate traffic to attract audience for advertisementas well as gain affiliate revenue through videos.

However, there is one more way to monetize your video content: a YouTube channel. Posting your video content also on YouTube in addition to your own site can be a great way to both improve your visibility and make some extra money through YoutTube ads.

Content is king

The same rule of thumb applies to all the content and formats: your content needs to be high-quality in order to attract spectators, wherever it is published.

Video format is an especially good choice if you create tutorials or product reviews. It can also be a good choice for sharing tips or inspirational material.

YouTube Partner Program has strict rules

In order to make money with your channel on YouTube you need to apply to YouTube Partner Program. And to get there, you’ll need these three key things:

  • 1’000 subscribers to your channel
  • 4’000 watch hours over the last 12 months
  • You need be based in one of the participating countries.

It is not an easy thing to achieve but with consistent high-quality content it is feasible.

Make money through collaborations, ads and membership

Once you’re a part of the YoutTube Partner Program you can make money through brand collaborations, ad sales as well as YouTube premium membership fees, which will be distributed to partner program members according to their audience size.

Read more about YouTube Partner Program.

Optimize for YouTube

If you love creating video content but you don’t have enough subscribers or watch hours – yet – don’t give up. Keep creating your content and sharing it on your own site as well as via your social media profiles. Building that audience takes time.

One important thing to remember is that YouTube is a search engine on its own, so you might need to think about your keywords and optimize your video titles and descriptions differently thanon your website. Search for popular keywords in your industry and use them as often as possible in your headings and descriptions.

Learn more about YouTube optimizing.

More ways to earn money online

And while you’re spending your time online, don’t forget about the simplest way to make some extra money: participating in Surveyeah’s online surveys. If you’re not a member yet, sign up today.

Read more: 5 reasons to join a consumer panel