4 things you need to know if you’re thinking of joining a consumer panel
If you’re still hesitating to join a consumer panel, you need to know these four things.

Have you joined our consumer panel yet? If you’re still hesitating, you need to know these four things about panels.
Joining a consumer panel has many advantages: it’s a fun way to spend time while earning some money and impacting the world at the same time. Still, many people hesitate before joining one. Some are worried about not having enough time, and others think one opinion doesn’t really make any difference.
These common excuses are not really good reasons to keep you from joining a panel. Let us explain to you why you should.
1)You get to choose when you participate
Okay, are you afraid that participating in surveys ends up swallowing all your free time?
We at Surveyeah typically send out one or two surveys per month, so one survey every 2-4 weeks. In addition, participating is 100 percent voluntary and you can choose how many times a month you want to participate.
If you want to take a break because of a busy season at work or during holidays, that is perfectly fine, too. You’re always welcome back!
2)Your opinion matters
Consumer panels give invaluable information for companies. They make decisions about product launches, packaging, prices and so forth based on consumer preferences. Your preferences.
At the same time, we want you to enjoy answering our surveys as well and we work to make the questions interesting for you. That is why we ask you to tell us about your interests, preferences and passions when you first join a panel. This way we can send your way surveys about topics that you are interested in and know a lot about.
3)There is plenty of rewards to choose from
Yes, there are also rewards! One of the most typical and appreciated one is Amazon and Zalando gift vouchers, which you can use exactly the way you like.
But there are plenty of other options, too, depending on your country and region. In Italy, for example, you can exchange your Amazon voucher into a gasoline voucher or phone credits. Or would you rather donate your points to charity
or deposit them on your PayPal account? The choice is yours.
4)It’s not only about online surveys
Last but not least, joining a panel can take you further than simply filling in some online surveys.
Sometimes panelists get to test new products, services or even share their opinion on how a popular TV series should end. How cool is that?
If you’re now sure that joining a consumer panel is your thing, head over to our sign up page and start changing the world today!
Photo BRUNO CERVERA / Unsplash