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4 Online Business Strategies to Learn From in 2021

Set your business up for success: follow these lessons learned from four online entrepreneurs.

4 Online Business Strategies to Learn From in 2021

Set your business up for success this year with these lessons learned from top online entrepreneurs.

If you’ve ever dreamt of building an online business, this is your time!

Digital nomadism and small businesses are growing trends, which makes this the perfect moment to start building your digital empire as well.

Even better news awaits: thanks to all the online tools and platforms, there is no shortage of information or advice for beginning and aspiring entrepreneurs. Pick the best tips from these four successful online business owners and take the shortcut to success!

Start small, win big

If you’re just starting out, chances are, you are feeling a little bit overwhelmed. Success can seem out of reach, and you don’t even know where to begin!

First of all, don’t compare yourself to other business owners, learn from them. They didn’t build their empires in a day either!

For example, business coach and the host of The Marie Forleo Show, Marie Forleo, says she started her now award-winning show in a rather modest environment. To cite her own words, it was only “me and my webcam in my kitchen”.

She encourages everyone to start with small steps: “Small consistent steps always lead you to big places!”

Agree to fail

No journey to success is straightforward and often you learn more from your failures than from smooth sailing, reminds online education empire founder Amy Porterfield.

Porterfield’s company educates online entrepreneurs, helping them create and market online learning experiences.

She reveals on her podcast Online Marketing Made Easy that one of her keys to success is goal-setting:

“I’m setting very specific goals this year, and one of them is to epically fail. Again and again.”

So when you fall flat on your face (and you will, all of us have), think back to her words, pick yourself up and keep failing your way to success.

Don’t do everything by yourself

Even though your company might feel like a very personal endeavour, you don’t need to do everything by yourself, even in the beginning.

The earlier you start to outsource and get help, the more time and energy you have for those tasks that only you can take care of, like moving your business forward. This requires trust and building systems and processes from day one, explains the founder of M.PIRE university, Danny Morel in his interview with Entrepreneur.

“With systems, it’s essential to document everything and cross-train everyone. The only way your company can run without you is to create clear instructions and procedures for when you’re not around”, Morel says.

Be agile

Flexibility and agility are important things, especially for online businesses, reminds Surveyeah founder and CEO Nicolò Fisogni.

Luckily, agility is often a second nature for small businesses, which have more freedom to pivot and make changes than more established companies.

Agility can be applied for example on marketing: “Try out different marketing strategies with a small budget and then invest in those that work”, Fisogni encourages beginning entrepreneurs.

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Photo © Lukas Bieri, Pixabay