Earning online

5 easy ways to create engaging content quickly

High quality content is the N.1 way to generate traffic! Follow these five quick and easy tips.

5 easy ways to create engaging content quickly

High quality content is the number one way to generate consistent traffic on your website. Get into creative flow with these five quick and easy tips.

What is the number one way to drive consistent traffic to your website? High quality content.

Quality content generates trafficbut also improves customer experience and has the power to forge loyal and long-lasting client relationships. It is a powerful tool to communicate your values and stand out amidst the competition.

On the other hand, creating engaging content takes time. For example, writing a blog post takes on average three hours, almost half of a work day. It’s a big challenge for small teams.

With these five strategies you can create quality content regularly and still have time for other business priorities as well.

1. Answer clients’ questions

A quick and easy way to write content that resonates with your audience is to answer their questions. Put together five or 10 most frequent questions that your clients worry about and your piece of content is ready. This content format applies as well to blogs, podcasts and videos, and the questions and answers can then be repurposed as social media content as well.

Q&A posts are powerful because theyimprove client engagement, and also save the time and resources of your customer care department. They don’t need to answer all the queries individually anymore, since the most common worries and misconceptions are already addressed on your website.

2. Share the latest news

Another easy strategy is to share your company’s latest news. If you are running a one (wo)man show, share some behind the scenes material from your day or a piece of your personal story.

Teams can take turns and present themselves one member at a time. For a 5-person team, done once a week, it means more than one month’s worth of content.

Don’t forget new products, services and upcoming launches. Giving your audience sneak peeks before the launch date makes them feel included and special, which improves engagement even more.

3. Curate the best insights of the industry

One of the most common mistakes business owners make in content marketing is thinking that they need to create each individual piece of content from scratch by themselves. No, no!

Selecting and sharing the most relevant insights and updates from your industry is a huge service that your followers and clients will appreciate. They are bombarded with news, articles, opinions and tips all day long, and oftentimes, it’s hard to know who to listen to and which ones to really read.

For this reason, curating relevant articles and creating link libraries saves hours of your audience’s time and provides them a valuable resource.

Read More: Easy ways to stay in touch with your audience

4. Highlight your clients

A little flattery goes a long way. Whenever you have a chance, highlight your clients and their successes on your website and social media.

Showcasing your clients work for two reasons: it gives them visibility and a chance to shine, and for your company, it’s a chance to share your work and success stories without explicitly promoting yourself.

What is more, it makes your future clients say to themselves: I want to have those results, too!

5. Collate a list of proven tips and strategies – like this one

List posts are one of the most read post types. You know the genre: “5 strategies to quick content creation”, “10 headlines you should try” and so forth.

Not only do readers love lists, they are often quick and easy to put together. If you have a lot of blog posts, videos or audio guides ready, you can even collate your own tips throughout the years and keep your audience on your site for a longer period of time – and add tons of value to their lives.

Because that is what content marketing is all about: adding value and serving your audience through your expertise and insight.

Read more: How about your newsletter? These content strategies get you covered

Photo © Werner Moser / Pixabay